

Thursday, July 21, 2005

"Always more focused more on the craftsmanship."

Here's another passage from that NYT article on Roberts. (It moderates that picture of Roberts' concern with style of substance, seen a couple posts ago.)
[Law school classmate] Galebach recalled that he was more politically outspoken than Judge Roberts ever was on campus. "From our time in law review, it wasn't like John was a gung-ho conservative," he said. "He wasn't active. He wasn't a gung-ho liberal on liberal causes. He was always more focused more on the craftsmanship" of the law.

Mr. Galebach said the fact that Judge Roberts's position at the law review was managing editor "tells a lot about John." He added: "Managing editor is the one who just makes sure everything is done to a high level of quality. It's the ultimate position of not injecting your own views, but allowing other people to reach high levels of scholarship."

Ah, yes! All you managing editor types! You know what that means.

(And I see that Roberts wrote a student piece in the Law Review on the Takings Clause. People concerned about Kelo might want to check that out.)


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