

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"I credit the power of Matt Drudge. Reaching out, godlike, from a condo in Florida to change the course of the Democratic National Convention."

Says Instapundit, spotlighting Drudge's spotlight on the Democrats who "booed putting God back."

Now, the Democrats weren't actually booing God. They were booing the way the vote was done, which was to call for ayes and nays over and over in the hope of getting what could plausibly be declared two-thirds "aye." That never happened, with 3 voice votes, so L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa simply announced that the ayes had it. They obviously didn't. So I'd say boo to that too.

Moving beyond the superficial spectacle of Democrats kinda-sorta booing God, let's look at the Democrats supposed dedication to counting all the votes and denial that we need to worry about voting fraud. This was out-and-proud vote fraud.

God is watching. And so was everyone else. Because it was on television. And now it's viral video.


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