

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Restaging a famous fiasco.

The original "Carrie" Broadway musical was savaged, lost $8 million, and closed after 5 performances.
Where the Broadway version had Carrie singing a song while the objects on her make-up table levitated around her, the off-Broadway version makes do with just a few magic tricks — a tiny figurine of Jesus levitates between the girl's hands and a couple of chairs move...

And... here's no stage blood spilled in the climactic scene at the prom, when Carrie violently erupts. The carnage is implied with red lights, projections and stylized movement. Director Arima says it's an artistic rather than a financial choice.
That's the expedient thing for the director to say. But better work can spring from limitations. Copious financing can lead to horrible work. Ugh! Suddenly, I'm thinking about the government!


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