

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gov. Walker signed the budget bill today, applying his powerful veto pen to 50 items.

What did he veto?
... Walker struck out dozens of budget provisions, including one that would have allowed bail bondsmen in Wisconsin. He also used his veto pen to bar public employees from collecting pensions unless they work for a state or local government for five years or more.

As previously announced, the GOP governor also vetoed a provision that would have allowed most fired Milwaukee police officers to continue to receive pay while they appealed their dismissals. Walker has the broadest veto powers of any governor in the country, allowing him to strike out entire provisions of the budget or rewrite sections by selectively crossing out words.
Yes, think about what that means and what he might have done with it if he were the arrogant dictator the protesters have been making him out to be.
Wearing khakis, a blue shirt and no tie, Walker signed the budget Sunday afternoon at Fox Valley Metal-Tech in Green Bay before a crowd of about 100 people. The governor originally planned to hold the event at the nearby Badger Sheet Metal Works, but changed those plans Friday after the Journal Sentinel reported the company was headed by someone convicted of tax evasion. A few hundred protesters gathered outside the manufacturer, chanting "Shame!" as those invited to the speech entered the parking lot. They held signs decrying budget cuts and chanted, "Recall Walker!"
Was Meade there to get it on video? We shall see!


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