

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"He has this voice he does when talking to girls. It took me a while to start noticing it, but it’s high and nonthreatening and almost squeaky..."

"... like he’s being a cute little boy... It’s pretty strange. But, it works. Nothing else was ever over the top, but that’s what was so sneaky. All of a sudden he was at my house every night, and I didn’t even remember how he got there..... He’s not a bad dude, but he just doesn’t know how not to have this over-the-top magical romance which eventually leaves girls completely broken. He’s like a love monster. I think this type of guy is more dangerous than the typical one-night-stander because there is so much more emotion and attachment involved that is ultimately more destructive."

A possibly ridiculous essay about "l'Homme Fatale," which is getting some attention.


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