

Monday, April 3, 2006

"Life sucks. Do you know that?"

Says Donald Trump, attempting to discuss the issue of fairness, presented by one contestant on "The Apprentice," Lee, absenting himself from two tasks in order to observe Jewish holidays. The point is you can't fire him for that. You just have to accept the situation. It doesn't really mean that life sucks, but the message is there. Lee can't be fired. Nevertheless, clueless Bryce chooses Lee, along with Lenny, to come back to the boardroom.

Bryce was pegged from the start to go. There he was blabbing pointlessly when Charmaine tried to tell him that they needed to leave to meet with the execs (and they arrive 25 minutes late). Then he blabbed annoyingly in the boardroom too, even repeatedly interrupting Trump, as he tried to justify his ridiculous decision to target Lee. Fired, he was still blabbing in the taxicab: It wouldn't hurt Trump to listen once in a while.

There was that interlude before the boardroom when Bryce seemed to lead his group in a mutual support session, to the point where he had Charmaine believing that maybe their love would move Trump to keep them all. Bryce mocked Charmaine for her naivity, but then he went into the boardroom and acted as if he believed it could play out that way. Have we ever seen Carolyn smirk so severely at anyone?


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