

Sunday, April 16, 2006

"Sauvetage difficile pour la chatte Molly à New York."

The whole world got excited about a cat stuck in a wall in a deli in New York City. This raises the question: Why do we care? I mean, literally: Why do we care? What makes us care about one thing and not another? Why does a cat matter more than some other animal (such as one of the mice that Molly the cat was kept in the deli to destroy)? What about all the human beings who are suffering? Are cats so much more sympathetic? Or is it the stuck-in-a-wall part? Human beings, we would agonize over your suffering, if only it had a weirder cause. Is it that the meowings of the cat could be heard by so many passers-by on that street in New York? Human beings, your suffering would drive us to despair, if only you were crying somewhere where we had to listen to it continually.


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