

Monday, September 17, 2012

"72% Put Freedom of Speech Ahead of Not Offending Other Cultures."

A Rasmussen poll of likely voters.
Only 15% consider it more important for the United States to make sure that nothing is done to offend other nations and cultures. 
Nothing. Make sure. That's such a strong statement of the value opposing free speech that it's not surprising that so few Americans would take that side.

The question asked was: "Is it more important for the United States to guarantee freedom of speech or to make sure that nothing is done to offend other nations and cultures?" I think the question should be: What is more important: freedom of speech or avoiding offending other nations and cultures?  Or: Should the United States government protect freedom of speech even when that speech offends people in other nations and cultures?

I was trying to remove the idea that the U.S.  could "make sure that nothing is done" — which seems so impossible that it's ridiculous to make that that superior value. But having composed alternative questions, I'm thinking the poll would still find overwhelmingly strong support for free speech.


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