

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Can you imagine protesters in penis costumes?"

Asks Meade after I send him this picture of protesters in vulva costumes (which commenter paul a'barge linked to after I linked to a picture of Todd Akin posing as a super-powered uterus).

I seem to remember some protesters in penis costumes, I said, Googling. I had in mind a mascot-like friendly penis, maybe offering condoms, but the first thing I found was this (NSFW). What on earth?! Here's some explanation. It happened in Kiev. A Ukrainian feminist group called FEMEN, protesting — of all things — having the Euro 2012 soccer championships in Ukraine.

The women of FEMEN, whose mantra is “Came, Stripped, Conquered,” dressed up in penis costumes and stood on a flower bed, strategically positioned between the legs of the soccer championship mascots Slavek and Slavko.

Yes, with Slavek and Slavko in a horizontal position, the ladies standing in their crotch area did manage to look like erect, uncircumcised penises.
Do you understand Euro-protest? So a lady dressed only in underpants and a — how shall I say? — headpiece is protesting... soccer? It's more like: if the soccer tournament is in Ukraine, it automatically implies sex tourism. Message received.

ADDED: I resume my search for penis-costumed protesters. I found "Scrotie The Nads," the mascot on the Rhode Island School of Design (#1 on a top 10 list of "Weirdest Mascots"). Here's a woman dressed — fully clad — as a penis, with a sign that says "United We State 2 Protect Women's Health"). I found a report — no photo — of a protester in a penis costume with a sign saying "George Bush is a dick" (those were the days!).  And if you ever need a penis costume, please buy it through my Amazon link.


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