

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh haters listen as a group because it's "actually really empowering."

There are "folks who are live chatting ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ on Facebook every day."

According to  Media Matters online outreach director Jay Carmona, who offers an interesting tip: "Just make sure that you take some time to talk about why certain things he says are wrong or messed up with your group, and that can actually be super, super empowering to do that."

Ha ha. Make sure you talk about why what he says is wrong. Did Carmona mean to reveal a fear that if people listen to Rush every day, they might unwittingly end up persuaded?
 “Make sure that you also, just in general — if something is freaking you out and you are feeling really bad listening to Rush Limbaugh — take a break. Give yourself the time and the space that you need to listen to the stuff because it can be difficult at times,” she said.
It's so dangerous, listening to Rush... especially if you're as much of an emotional wreck as Carmona seems to think you are.


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