

Friday, May 25, 2012

The question I'd ask Tom Barrett at tonight's debate (and one for Scott Walker).

For Tom Barrett: Can you articulate, clearly and specifically, what the standard is for removing a governor in the middle of the term for which he was elected? Why exactly are the people of Wisconsin being put through this recall exercise? Can you commit to the proposition that the recall device should be used in the future — including, perhaps, against you — under the circumstances that we are currently experiencing in Wisconsin?

For Scott Walker: If you win this special election — particularly if you win by a sizable margin — will  you see yourself as having a new mandate, and what will you do with that mandate? What, if anything, will you have to offer your many adversaries, who may feel quite demoralized and bitter?

(The debate is tonight at 8 Central Time, and I will be live-blogging.)


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