

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rick Perry's 1-page essay — "Why I'm Running" — says "God" 5 times.

Full text. God parts:
1. As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state...
This is giving me flashbacks to the Jesus-is-left-wing diatribe inflicted on me here in Madison the other day.
2. We will not sit back and accept our current misery... because a great country requires a better direction... because a renewed nation requires a new president. That’s why, with faith in God, the support of my family, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I am a candidate for President of the United States....

3. The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington... it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America... the farms and factories across this great land... the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past... who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.
Recall that — in Perry's view — freedom (not a nanny state) emanates from God.
4. With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back....

5. Thank you, and God bless America.

Too much "God"?
The usual generic invocation of the deity, which doesn't matter one way or the other.
A fine, robust acknowledgment of the proper place of God.
A sincere reflection of the religious orientation of a good man.
An unwise, but minor infusion of religion into politics.
Significant evidence of a bad tendency to mix religion and government.
An important warning that Perry is a dangerous religious ideologue. free polls


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