

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"I never imagined it would be this bad... I'm not a bad man. I'm really not."

"We had no intention of stealing TVs, anything that was of value to them, real value. I just seen a couple bottles of liquor there and figured they wouldn't miss it... I didn't know [the cameras] were rolling, so I was caught red handed... I never had no felonies, got a six-year-old daughter I'm taking care of by myself. I'd be pissed if someone came in my house and took some liquor, too... I apologize. I shouldn't have snatched the liquor. I didn't think it was gonna be this big of a deal, really. It's just bottles of liquor, but I'll help you rebuild your house Ms. Robinson. I really want to apologize."

Man — caught on camera looting a house wrecked by a Hurricane Irene tornado — now, on camera again, cries his regrets.

IN THE COMMENTS: pbAndjFellowRepublican said:
That Robinson house tried to seduce him.


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