

Saturday, August 20, 2011

"I’m keeping my power to myself and my glow. I’m not giving anybody my glow anymore."

"I’m not saying I’m always going to be celibate, I’m just saying that until there is someone that is worthy of my love and a reflection of the way God loves me then I’m not doing it.... There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina. You hold the key to everything! Women, we are so strong! It took me so long to figure that out but I realized just how strong a woman is. The sensuality and the power that we have… if we withhold you can get that man to do whatever you want him to. I’m not saying it’s easy! Not by any means, it is very difficult. My daddy used to tell my sisters. 'Once you pop you can’t stop,' but it’s worth it, it is definitely worth it. I’m keeping my power to myself and my glow. I’m not giving anybody my glow anymore."

Keep that glow, ladies!


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