

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"Sen. John McCain predicted that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi would quickly lose his grip on power..."

"... amid reports rebel fighters had entered the capital Tripoli. Speaking on CBS’s Face the Nation, McCain said it was a ‘matter of hours if not days’ until Gadhafi’s downfall.  The conflict was 'nearing the end,' he predicted."

I keep reading stories like this, but... how many "rebels" are there? This picture for the front-page article in the NYT today of "rebels" shows a few guys in T-shirts. One has a gun, another is talking on a cell phone, and another is spray painting some graffiti. A "rebel leader" is quoted as saying "If you can call any mobile number in Tripoli, you will hear in the background the beautiful sound of the bullets of freedom."

This all sounds as vague and wishful as Qaddafi's "The rebels are fleeing like rats, to the mountains."


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