

Saturday, August 13, 2011 picks up the attack-on-Althouse video.

167 comments over there.

Like the comments here on my blog* there's a lot of focus on: 1. the police officer in the second video who threatens my son with a disorderly conduct arrest (and jail) for removing an aggressive man's hand from his mother's arm; 2. how they would have decked the aggressor; 3. my disinclination to have my attacker arrested; 4. the motormouth man's appropriation of the name of Jesus to make political points.

By the way, I was filming a "discussion" between the Jesus Motormouthpiece and a real Christian minister (from Kansas). It was an interesting encounter, which I planned to use on my blog. The man who attacked me suddenly came up and called me "emotionally retarded." As is my wont, I turned my camera on the person who said something nasty to me. The physical attack came at that point.

* My blog displays only 200 comments at a time. To get to newer comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and find "1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»" and click on "Newer."


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