

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ben Smith is still trying to get his mind around Rick Perry's manliness..

... and my mocking of him for his problem getting his mind around Rick Perry's manliness....

Smith says Perry's manliness is "shtick" which can be taken too far. There's something weirdly beta about Smith's relationship with Perry's masculinity. I notice how he lapses into light lisping toward the end of that clip when he's lauding Perry in relation to Bachmann. As I said in the previous post, Perry seems to have thrown some macho whammy on the press boys.

ADDED: I don't think Smith refers to it — though perhaps he means to allude to it — but there have long been rumors that Perry is gay. Google "Is Rick Perry Gay?" and you'll easily find the sort of stuff that's out there. Byron York might have intended to allude to these rumors when he said, in the clip above, that Perry isn't the kind of guy that is interested in Lady Gaga.


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