

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"If I sold it, my life would be over."

What famous person said that about what desirable thing — really, a place — a place related to another famous person?

ADDED: You can get the answer by Googling now, but don't comment just to give that answer. We'll talk about the actual answer later. Early comments should be bona fide guesses. It will be more fun that way.

AND: Oh, no! I misread it. Sorry to send you after a question with no answer. Here's what I was trying to read:
"Mr. Hefner knows every good party must end, having long ago bought a crypt next to Marilyn Monroe at a Los Angeles cemetery. In interviews over the years, he has talked about how life wouldn’t be worth living without Playboy. 'If I sold it, my life would be over," he has said."
I skipped a sentence! It's not so interesting, read properly. But I think you could sell
the crypt next to Marilyn Monroe
for a lot of money. As for the other thing, who cares what it's worth.


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