

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3 questions about Sarah Palin the Obama supporter should not want to ask.

According to David Bernstein:
(1) How can she do her job as vice-president and take care of her kids?
Because Obama has kids, so the only way to ask the question is with an anti-feminist assumption. Obama supporters are tempted to make a Down Syndrome distinction and to emphasize that the decision to have the child entails a commitment to spend extra time on it, but that only forefronts the disagreement about abortion -- for her, there was no choice -- and highlights the harsh reality that (some of those) who accept abortion think it's a good idea to discriminate against the (unborn) disabled. None of that is very pretty. And yet, planting seeds of doubt is all that is needed. You can believe that an anti-feminist argument is wrong and even think that it will trigger a strong counter-argument and still think it might work as it plants doubts in some voters' minds and decide to do it anyway, because that's how much you want to win. Just look at the doubts the Clinton campaign tried plant about Obama in minds that they must have hoped had a place where racial prejudice could grow.
(2) What makes anyone think that Palin has enough experience to be "one heartbeat from the presidency?"
Because it points up that Obama, with his corresponding lack of experience would actually be the President.
(3) Is Sarah Palin's church/pastor nutty?
Because McCain supporters would love to bring back good old Jeremiah Wright -- American chickenssssssss and all.

Bernstein's points are good. And yet, Bernstein supports McCain, right? Why is it a McCain supporter who is giving this advice. Why should Obama supporters take this any more seriously than they take the bogus advice they are dispensing about how Palin ought to drop out for her own good?

ADDED: Bernstein isn't a declared supporter of McCain's.


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