

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We like Underdog Hillary, not Dominatrix Hillary.

Glenn Reynolds notes a new poll that shows Giuliani beating Clinton by 7 percentage points, 47 to 40%. They were only one point apart a month ago and have long stayed within 3 points of each other. Glenn's theory:
[S]he's dropped because of attacks from Barack Obama and John Edwards. But if those rather mild attacks make this much of a difference, how will she do in a real campaign?
Here's my theory. In the last month, she's widened her lead over the other Democrats and now looks like the inevitable nominee. That's made her boring and also stirred up some realistic thinking and fears about what it would be like if she actually became President. She was more appealing back when she was struggling against Obama and Edwards. It's not their attacks that have hurt her recently. It's that they have failed in their attacks, and she has become dominant.

We like Underdog Hillary -- we first warmed to her when we found out about Bill and Monica -- not Dominatrix Hillary -- remember this Spy Magazine cover from February 1993?


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