

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

"It was handled by someone on a very busy day at a more junior level than we would wish for in ideal circumstances."

That's the pathetically lame excuse offered up by a senior Reuters editor attempting to minimize the Adnan Hajj problem.

UPDATE: Here's the WaPo version of the story, highlighting the work of LGF's Charles Johnson:
In Johnson's view, the news media haven't adequately sounded the alarm about threats to Western societies posed by radical Islamic groups -- something he says he seeks to redress through his politically conservative blog.

"My main take is that political correctness has kept a lot of the hard truth from being spread by the mainstream media," says Johnson....

"The vast, vast majority of Muslims want to get along and live a comfortable life just like everyone else," he says. "But the mainstream media shies away from showing the public the real face of Islamic extremism. They don't want to offend. And they are influenced by some strong advocacy groups that are funded by Middle Eastern countries, which are actively engaging with the mainstream media to promote a point of view."

Johnson responds here, finding fault with the piece.


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