

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cher, Madonna, Pam Grier, Marilyn, the Hepburns...

Didn't you love the fashion icons challenge on last night's "Project Runway"?

[Spoiler alert.}

Really, how did Bradley survive as long as he did. Here's how EW puts it:
Bye-bye, Bradley. You're going home. Home to whatever spacey-woodsprite-tree-hollow-magic-mushroomland you came from. Home to a safe place where nobody has ever heard of Cher and everybody thinks it's perfectly okay to dress her in a top made out of Reynolds Wrap and pants that were so intent on beginning their very own vagina monologue that even the model called cameltoe on you. Home to where you can have the nap that you look like you've been wanting really badly.
And don't miss Project Rungay (the blog).


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