

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

I don't mind being bashed on the highest traffic blog...

But Armando, please, throw in a link to my blog! That's just flat out, passive aggressive, link deprivation! No fair!

Well, by Kos standards, I am "the Right Wing," as Armando tries to understand how the Right Wing thinks by reading my NYT op-ed. Good luck with that! Oh, at least I've led his fevered mind down a blind alley. Nice move dismissing my references to actual case law as "fairly arcane discussion" and then calling me "facile."

Anyway, link, dammit.

UPDATE: Steven Taylor reports that Michael Medved called me a "liberal law professor" on his radio show -- and then Ruth Anne, one of our faithful commenters here, corrected him on the air! Ruth Anne shows up in the comments on this post too and tells the tale. Thanks, Ruth Anne. How interesting to have Kos call me a right winger and Medved call me a liberal on the same day, based on the same essay!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here's Ruth Anne's blog post about the experience: "When (My) Worlds Collide."

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: I just got an email, with the subject line "Scalito Story," that reads:
You are the worst sort of vile crap to be teaching at a public university, and to be on staff at what should be seen as a prestigious institution is disgusting. It is you and your like that are tearing this country apart. Go home to your cave and commiserate with your kind.

Whew, I feel better.
What do you think are the chances that this person learned what he thinks he knows about me from reading DailyKos?


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