

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

TimesSelect: a disaster?

I keep checking the NYT list of the "Most E-Mailed Articles," which used to be dominated by the op-ed columnists that you now must pay $50 a year to read. Today's list of the top 25 stories from the last 24-hours lacks a single TimesSelect item.

UPDATE: On Wednesday, Maureen Dowd makes the list (at #6) with a piece about the Miers nomination. Here's the key bon mot:
W. is asking for a triple leap of faith. He has faith in Ms. Miers as his lawyer and as a woman who shares his faith. And we're expected to have faith in his faith and her faith, and her opinions that derive from her faith that could change the balance of the court and affect women's rights for the next generation.

That's a little bit too much faith, isn't it?


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