

Sunday, May 18, 2008

John McCain on "Saturday Night Live" — joking about gaydar and — as a conlawprof I love this — federalism.

"$160 million to the Department of Defense for developing a device that can jam gaydar. Now, I don't know if this is anti-gay or pro-gay or if such a device would even work, but I do know this. Jamming gaydar is not a federal responsibility. That's something best left to state and local government."

Joking about gaydar, he's cuing the young audience that he's not a social conservative. Now, maybe he is, but if he's joking about it, he's at least not sternly determined about traditional morality.

Overall, that was nicely done. Lots of self-deprecation. It's fear of self-deprecation that makes it so hard for politicians to be funny.

McCain was on twice. Here's the bit from Weekend Update:

"Imagine the excitement of leaving the convention and STILL not knowing who the nominee was!"


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