

Monday, November 19, 2007

Althouse on Mancow.

Do you listen to the Mancow radio show? I'm going to be on it tomorrow, around 7 am ET, talking about — of all things — plastic surgery. Click on the tag "plastic surgery" to see what I've said on the subject (and why they want to hear from me).


ADDED at 7:21 AM, Tuesday: Waiting on hold now.

DONE: Well, I was on for a little over a minute, much of which had Mancow naming celebrities I hadn't looked at recently. Kenny Rogers? What does he look like now? I have no idea. Michael Douglas? I've been avoiding looking at him for years. Nancy Pelosi? Her, I've looked at. It's disturbing to listen to political statements from someone who looks alarmed for no reason. That's about it. Worth doing? Sure, why not? I got to (had to) spend about 20 minutes on hold, listening to the show. During that time, there was a pretty interesting audio clip of a 911 call from a man watching a robbery in a neighbor's house, threatening to use his shotgun on the culprits, and then actually shooting them. Mancow seemed to think the shooting was justified.

MORE: Here are before and after pictures of Kenny Rogers. Not so bad, really. Especially good if he doesn't want to be recognized.

AND: Here's a news report on that 911 call.


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