

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

He told them they were losers for being there.

So they essentially told him he was a loser for being there.

[Bad link fixed. Sorry.]

ADDED: Some people are saying this picture is not what it purports to be, on the theory that the camera imprinted the wrong date. The best analysis appears to be that the camera didn't have the time properly set. If you think otherwise, you can comment here.

MORE: Michelle Malkin analyzes the photograph quite well and thinks it's authentic. I've been called a liar very conspicuously, on Daily Kos. When will I get my apology?

UP-UP-UPDATE:Oh, nooooo! I'm in the future!!!!

ANOTHER UPDATE: It looks as though there's a good explanation for why Kerry is sitting alone in the picture, so I'm sorry I made fun of him. The explanation does, however, refute the assertions that the picture was taken at a different time altogether, so the attack over on Daily Kos is still wrong. They really need to put up a retraction and an apology! I'm not going to apologize for the "in the future" post linked above, because that one is making fun of the bloggers who made up a defense of Kerry based on a timestamp they perceived on the picture. They are still wrong about that.


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