

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Have you noticed how obsessed people are about tags?

I mean, really. These people have gone so far into a little world of their own that they use words like "folksonomies" without defining them. Read on and you'll see they never step back and say something like, Hey, isn't it kind of funny to be obsessing about the tags like this? Let's go out and snap some pictures!

Credit to my son John for pointing out this phenomenon.

Bonus info: I never say "hat tip." Why should I? I sometimes wear a hat, sometimes even a man's fedora-type hat -- I wear an extra large man's hat and no non-stretchy woman's hat fits me. But even when I wear such a hat, I don't tip it at people. That's kind of a man thing. I mean, I know it's a metaphor, but I don't want to adopt the man metaphor. What's a good female variation on "hat tip"?

UPDATE: Sometimes when I put an unusual tag on a picture, I click the tag to see the other Flickr photos with that tag. Like today, with the second page of The Amsterdam Notebooks, I used the tag "zeep" (Dutch for soap) and found maybe four other pictures. And I used the tag "caryatid," and there wasn't a single other picture. Come on! People must be taking pictures of caryatids in museums and in Greece every day. Don't they know the word? But it's on the labels in museums. Anyway, I can't believe I was the only person who ever tagged anything "caryatid."


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