

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Cascading nitrous thoughts.

Endodontist. I'd never been to one before. But I have now. I took the nitrous oxide, so whatever horrors were back there -- in nitrous world -- I'm not sure I noticed them at all.

There was I, thinking "I exist! I am not just a tooth!" and "I wonder if women experience work in their mouths differently from the way men do, given the closer similarity of the structure of the mouth and the genitalia. It must be more disturbing, this invasion of the mouth."

And then there was the gurgling of the endodontist's stomach, which was right next to my ear, producing a cascade of thoughts:

1. What is that word for stomach gurgling? Something with -ygmy...[ANSWER: Borborygmi! Onomatopoeia -- transliterated by the Greeks.]

2. Remember that old George Carlin routine about stomach gurling, from back in the early days was Carlin was sweet and talked about childhood? It's very funny.

3. On the saddest day of my life, I sat at a funeral for a 22-year-old woman. Next to me was her grandfather, whose innards were waterfalls, the worse case of stomach gurgling I'd ever heard. The forces of deepest sorrow and crazy hilarity were in a death struggle for dominion over my soul. At one point the old man apologized to me, even though he couldn't control it -- his body's absurd expression of grief.

4. What else belongs on this list I'm going to put on my blog? Why, the very fact that I'm in this condition making a list of things to put on my blog.


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