

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"I think Beyonce is a great pop songwriter. Still, the lyrics to this song are classic faux empowerment..."

"... as she's literally suggesting women run the world by being very persuasive with our vaginas."

Amanda Marcotte wrings her hands over a song that mostly consists of saying "Who run the world? Girls" over and over. I saw this video when it played on "American Idol" last week, and I couldn't really make out what her literal argument was. It seems to me, you hear that one line over and over and you're distracted by vivid images of the singer (which could be characterized as "being very persuasive with [her physical presence]").

Oh, what do you want to talk about here? Feminism? What is the real feminism? Whether Marcotte misused the word "literally"? How songs affect the mind? Is it with the lyrics, read literally, or in some more complicated way?


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