

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rush Limbaugh puts the Resurrection in perspective.

Today, Rush Limbaugh went off on Obama for saying this about Easter:
We are reminded that there's something about the Resurrection, something about the Resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective.
It's not the most eloquent or insightful thing anyone ever said about Easter, but, good lord, let it go. But Rush does not let it go:
I've just never heard [the Resurrection] discussed this way.  When he discusses the call to prayer in the Muslim world as being one of the sweetest sounds in the world, I mean that's an eloquent way to describe the Muslim call to prayer.  Here we're talking the Resurrection.  There's something about that....

You know, after hearing him describe it that way, I'm actually surprised that Obama doesn't think of Easter as the day a big rabbit comes out of his hole and, depending on whether he sees his shadow or not, tells us if we're in for a long winter.  
Rush repeats the line "puts everything else in perspective" 13 times in that segment. The only reason for getting that worked up about the casual, nonspecific way Obama talked about the Resurrection would be if you if you felt profound reverence toward it. But if you felt profound reverence about it, you wouldn't use it for cheap political leverage against the President.


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