And then play that issue with other callers. Stuff like this:
CALLER: Hi, Rush. If I sound shaky, I apologize, I'm nervous. I'm so honored to talk to you.Notice how he avoided saying it himself, but he couldn't resist bragging about how he knew he could make the caller say that.
RUSH: You don't sound shaky and you don't sound nervous at all. You don't sound like you're jiggling in the slightest.
CALLER: Oh, not jiggling like Michelle Obama, but anyway, that's another story.
RUSH: I knew she was going to say that, that's why, see, Pavlov's here, all I had to say was jiggling and I knew that you were gonna mention Michelle Obama. Do you think she's gaining weight, too?
CALLER: Yeah, but I'll tell you exactly where it is, it's right around her rear end and her thighs but, you know, that's exactly where it went, but some women gain weight there. It's okay. It's obvious she has put on a few pounds. The reason I'm calling, though, I'm so excited for November 2nd. I'm so excited, you know, my father-in-law refers to it as flushing out the pipes in a clogged toilet. I think it's great. I'm so excited. But as you've said just a few minutes ago in the blame game and Obama blaming other people and blaming Bush, now the American people, I'm just really afraid that this is going to get him reelected in two years.
(Both callers were female, by the way. It helps to get women to go after the women on the sensitive female stuff.)
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